The Scoop
Regular Hours
Sterling Farm Stand, 311 Princeton Road, Sterling | 978-563-3217
Hours: Mon–Fri 10–5:30, Sat 9–2, Sun 10–2
The Sterling Greenhouse: Closed for the Season
Princeton Farm, 154 Houghton Road, Princeton | 978-464-2041
Hours: Sat 9–Noon, Sun Closed, Weekday Hours vary, please call to see if we are open
Please call ahead for pick up of pellets, landscape material, and hay.
Westminster Farmer's Market, Friday 3–6, May–October
Gardner Farmers Market, 9:30–1, 3rd Saturday of the Month, June–September
Keep Up with Hubbard's Farm Notices and Promotions. Join Our List.
In the News!
Hubbard's Farm Rooted In Tradition, by Danielle Ray, Landmark Correspondent, The Landmark, August 3, 2023.
Important Information Regarding Pellets
PELLET AVAILABILITY: Check our fuel pellets page frequently for updates on availability and prices.
PELLET DELIVERY: Choose your drop-off spot carefully. Our delivery trucks are extremely heavy, commercial vehicles that can cause ruts and damage to your lawn, septic system, yard, or driveway. In order to avoid damage to newly paved or recently seal-coated driveways, we recommend choosing a different location for pellet drop-off. Hubbard's Farm does not accept responsibility for damages or cover repair costs to your lawn, yard, septic system, or driveway.
GARAGE DELIVERY: Please make sure your garage is empty when we are scheduled to deliver. For everyone's health and safety, our driver will not handle or move boxes, bikes, laundry baskets, or other items. Additionally, the pallet jack requires 9 ft. clearance all around to maneuver. If the garage is not cleared, the pellets will be dropped outside.
DELIVERY DATE: Your order will be delivered in 1-6 weeks. You will be contacted a few days prior to our driver's arrival.